
Your Grief Matters

Time alone does not heal

Welcome to Your Grief Matters

If you are viewing this site you are probably considering whether counselling is for you. You may have experienced the death of a loved one or are coming to terms with other significant loss in your life, wondering what to make of it all.

There may be factors that have complicated your grief leaving you feeling ‘stuck’ with unresolved grief, or questions about your future now that life has changed. Grief leaves a trail of bewildering and intense feelings.

My name is Dani and I work with a wide range of people coping with grief and its symptoms whether their loss is recent or otherwise. 

Some have been through traumatic events, others have accompanied someone through terminal illness, perhaps there has been a turbulent relationship with the person who has died.

No matter what the loss or the how, your grief is unique and your grief matters.

The grief journey is a painful one over unfamiliar terrain. 

Whatever your grief or loss, I would like to accompany you, providing you with tools to navigate the terrain.

Time alone does not heal.

A GIF of nine stones with texts on top, including bereavement, homeland, marriage, pet, health, work, faith, identity and friendship
A woman sitting crossed legs on a bench looking into her laptop

Cancellation policy

Get in touch

My name is Dani and I am a bereavement counsellor.
You may contact me via
email: danidegeorge@proton.me
phone: 07871 855444
or fill in the form below for an appointment or for more information.

I aim to respond to inquiries within 48 hours.